Pz.III Ausf.J Master by Tony Ashcroft. Crew figure and stowage included. $30.00
PSDE032 Pz.III Ausf.J Zug. 3 x DE063 $85.00
DE064 Schwimmwagen Master by John Pierson. Crew figures and stowage included. $15.00
PSDE033 Schwimmwagen Zug. 3 x DE064 $41.00
DE065 SdKfz.234 mit Luchs Turm Master by Jeff Trnka Crew figure and stowage included. $27.50
PSDE036 SdKfz.234/Luchs Zug. 3 x DE065 $80.00
Pz.I Ausf.B Master by Jeff Trnka. Stowage included. $25.00
PSDE037 Pz.I Ausf.B Zug. 3 x DE066
15cm sIG 33 Auf PzKpFw.I Ausf.B Bison Master by Jeff Trnka. Crew figures and stowage included. $40.00
PSDE038 sIG33 Pz.I Ausf.B Zug. 3 x DE067 $110.00
Sturm InfanterieGeschütz 33B sIG 33B Master by Jeff Trnka. Crew figure and stowage included. $35.00
PSDE039 Pz.III sIG 33B Zug. 3 x DE068
Flakpanzer IV Kugelblitz
Master by Jeff Trnka.
Stowage included.
PSDE040 Pz.IV Kugelblitz Zug. 3 x DE069
Flakpanzer IV Kugelblitz Turret
Master by Jeff Trnka. $15.00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
SdKfz. 232 (8 rad)
Remastered by Jeff Trnka.
Crew figure and stowage included.
PSDE042 SdKfz. 232 Zug. 3 x DE070